我一直用NSIS进行软件打包,之前也打包Windows 服务之类的程序。这次趁这次机会把代码记录下来。
Section -MySql SimpleSC::ExistsService "Mysql" Pop $0 ${If} $0 != 0 Push $0 nsExec::Exec '$INSTDIR\bin\mysqld.exe install Mysql --defaults-file="$INSTDIR\my.ini"' Pop $0 ${If} $0 == 0 nsExec::Exec 'NET START Mysql' nsExec::Exec 'SC CONFIG Mysql START= AUTO DISPLAYNAME= "MYSQL"' nsExec::Exec 'SC DESCRIPTION Mysql "数据库,如果停用将无法正常使用。"' ${ElseIf} $0 != 0 MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "安装MySql服务失败($0)" ${EndIf} ${EndIf} SectionEnd
这样写的话我们必须要事先知道他要安装的目录,要不然Mysql的配置文件my.ini的一些配置出错,导致无法进行 install 操作。如:basedir=D:\XXX;datadir=D:\XXX等配置。都需要知道所要安装的目录。
Section -SetINI Push [INSTDIR] Push $INSTDIR Push all Push all Push $INSTDIR\my.ini Call AdvReplaceInFile SectionEnd
AdvReplaceInFile :
Function AdvReplaceInFile Exch $0 ;file to replace in Exch Exch $1 ;number to replace after Exch Exch 2 Exch $2 ;replace and onwards Exch 2 Exch 3 Exch $3 ;replace with Exch 3 Exch 4 Exch $4 ;to replace Exch 4 Push $5 ;minus count Push $6 ;universal Push $7 ;end string Push $8 ;left string Push $9 ;right string Push $R0 ;file1 Push $R1 ;file2 Push $R2 ;read Push $R3 ;universal Push $R4 ;count (onwards) Push $R5 ;count (after) Push $R6 ;temp file name GetTempFileName $R6 FileOpen $R1 $0 r ;file to search in FileOpen $R0 $R6 w ;temp file StrLen $R3 $4 StrCpy $R4 -1 StrCpy $R5 -1 loop_read: ClearErrors FileRead $R1 $R2 ;read line IfErrors exit StrCpy $5 0 StrCpy $7 $R2 loop_filter: IntOp $5 $5 - 1 StrCpy $6 $7 $R3 $5 ;search StrCmp $6 "" file_write1 StrCmp $6 $4 0 loop_filter StrCpy $8 $7 $5 ;left part IntOp $6 $5 + $R3 IntCmp $6 0 is0 not0 is0: StrCpy $9 "" Goto done not0: StrCpy $9 $7 "" $6 ;right part done: StrCpy $7 $8$3$9 ;re-join IntOp $R4 $R4 + 1 StrCmp $2 all loop_filter StrCmp $R4 $2 0 file_write2 IntOp $R4 $R4 - 1 IntOp $R5 $R5 + 1 StrCmp $1 all loop_filter StrCmp $R5 $1 0 file_write1 IntOp $R5 $R5 - 1 Goto file_write2 file_write1: FileWrite $R0 $7 ;write modified line Goto loop_read file_write2: FileWrite $R0 $R2 ;write unmodified line Goto loop_read exit: FileClose $R0 FileClose $R1 SetDetailsPrint none Delete $0 Rename $R6 $0 Delete $R6 SetDetailsPrint lastused Pop $R6 Pop $R5 Pop $R4 Pop $R3 Pop $R2 Pop $R1 Pop $R0 Pop $9 Pop $8 Pop $7 Pop $6 Pop $5 ;These values are stored in the stack in the reverse order they were pushed Pop $0 Pop $1 Pop $2 Pop $3 Pop $4 FunctionEnd